We use Minion Bot as our War Base Caller. Full command list is given below.


Base Related Commands 

u [updatewar]  updates the list of not 3*ed opponent bases.
c [call]  calls a base for you.
:point_right: c 5
  calls base #5 for you when u have one account in war.
:point_right: c 5 nameOfYourAccount
calls base #5 for your mentioned account when you have multiple bases in war.
:point_right: c 5 nameOfTeamMember
calls base #5 for your team member.
d[delete] cancels booking on a war base.

:point_right: d 5 cancels your call on #5. If you haven’t called #5 then it would delete all calls on #5.
d 5 2 cancels booking of 2nd caller on base #5.
gla [getLastAttacks]  shows last 5 attacks n defences of ongoing war that has been fetched by updatewar command.

gra[getRemainingAttacks] shows remaining attacks of our team.
shows status of current war based on the data fetched using updatewar command. 

stats #playerTag or alias shows players status in war. 

War Management Commands 

start (s)   sizeOfWar   enemyName(optional)
:point_right: s 15 xyz  starts a war of 15 with xyz
 calltimer Hours
:point_right:  calltimer 2  sets calltimer to 2hrs
note alias yourNote and getnotes use it to record war weights to record opt in or out of events.
:point_right: note werewolf  Weight 87 stores a note for werewolf.


Clan Management Commands 

claimClan #clanTag claims your clan in the channel where you type it. You can set one clan in one channel.
defaultclan #clanTag
sets a clan as default clan if you have multiple clans linked in your server. Bots commands work on default clan in channels where no clans are claimed.
shows details of your linked clan. In case of multiple clans linked to your server it shows details of default clan in channels that are not linked to any clan.

myclans shows list of all the clans linked in your server.
um [updatemembers] syncs list of members of clan with  minion bot.
gc [getClaims] shows list of all the members in the linked clan. Run updatemembers command first to get the latest info.
claim #playerTag
claims/links your main and mini accounts.

claim #playerTag @discordNameOfThatPlayer claims/links accounts on behalf of others.
unclaim #playerTag main #playerTag  removes claim/link.
alias #playerTag yourDesiredName  sets alias/nickname of an account.
deleteAlias alias
  deletes alias/nickname of any account.

prefer alias  sets preferred alias/nickname of an account.
ga [getAlias] shows list of alias names of your account(s).
ga playerTag/alias/@disordName  shows alias names of a player account(s).
search -part of in game name searches within the clan, players having that name.
l [lookup] #playerTag  shows players history.
b [ban#playerTag banReason  adds ban note for the specified player. This note will show up when you will run updatemembers command if that banned player is present in the clan or when you will be searching that player using lookupcommand.
unban #playerTag removes the ban note from the specified player.
wl[whitelist]#playerTag elderStatus(optional) adds note for specified player. This will show up when you will search that player using lookup command.
unwhitelist #playerTag  removes the the specified player from whitelist.
addroles  true/false  Once enabled, you can run addrolesto create and distribute discord roles for each town hall level, coleader, elder, and member. Users with no claims get the No Claims role, and users who leave the clan in the game get the Not In Clan role. New users in the server will have the appropriate role assigned automatically.

Bot Management Commands 

createprefix YourPrefix
restrict true / false / all  blocks/unblocks minion bot from the channel where you type it or blocks it on all channels. 
yt  shows YouTube help video of minion bot.


For Minion Bot Invite Link Click here

Updated on 01-Aug-2017

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