rushed base.jpg.

Rushed base is base which may or may not have all the buildings and troops that the game level offers. Town Hall is upgraded to a higher level without buying some buildings or without maxing out all the building to the highest levels before changing Town Hall level.

Why should you rush your town hall levels?

People generally rush their bases out of ignorance, without any reasons but you could rush your Town Hall for the below given reasons – 
∞ To get a high level feeder for yourself and your clan.
∞ To reach a higher Town Hall quickly by spending lesser time in developing each Town Hall level.
∞ For gaining advantage in War by having few end game level war troops and comparative low defenses but not as easy to 3 as engineered or mini-max base.

How to Rush Properly?

For taking all the advantages of rushing Town Hall, you have to plan your ups well.

1. Farm Troop Upping  Plan:

Choose one or two types of farming troops so that you will have to upgrade fewer troops and you can keep rushing your Town Hall quickly. Always max your farming troops before changing Town Hall.

Recommended Farming Strategies : 

I. GiArch (Giant & Archer).
II. Goblin Knife (Goblin, Wall Breaker & Giant).
Note : 
Going high in league is not your priority. Stay in low leagues where you are finding more dead bases.

2. War Troop Upping Plan :

This is the quickest troops upping plan for doing few of the best 3 star Strategies. Max the following war troops in each Town Hall. Essential ups should be maxed before changing Town Hall.
For TH4 :
Essential ups: Balloon
Recommended War Strategy (Camp Size 120) : 14 Balloons, 2 Wizards and 42 Archers and CC Loons.
For TH5 :

Essential ups: Balloon and Lightning.
Recommended War Strategy Camp Size 135) : 18 Balloons, 2 Wizards, 37 Archers, 1 Lightning and CC Loons.
For TH6 :

Essential ups: Balloon and Heal. 
Secondary ups: Lightning.
Recommended War Strategy (Camp Size 150) : 20 Balloons, 2 Wizards, 42 Archers, 2 Heals and CC Loons.
For TH7 :

Essential ups: Dragon, Rage. 
Secondary ups: Heal, Poison.
Recommended War Strategy (Camp Size 200) : Dragloon (10 Dragons, 2 Rage 1 Heal and CC Loons)
For TH8 : 

Essential ups: Dragon, Lightning, Rage, Balloon and unlock Earthquake ASAP.
Secondary ups: Poison.
Recommended War Strategy (Camp Size 200) : Dragloon (10 Dragons, 2 level5 Lights, 1 Rage, 1 Earthquake and CC Loons & Haste)
For TH9 :
Essential ups: Balloon, Lava,

Secondary ups: Poison, Haste.
Donation ups : Bowler and Dragon.
Up your royals as much as possible specially Archer Queen
Recommended War Strategy  (Camp Size 220) :
Quad LaLoon
Penta LaLoon
Queen Pop LaLoon
queenpop laloon.png
cb lalo

For TH10 :

Essential ups: Lava and Miner.
Secondary ups: Haste and Poison,
Donation ups : Bowler and Dragon.
Recommended War Strategy (Camp Size 240) :
Miners and
For TH11 :
Essential ups: Balloon, Miner and Lava.

Secondary ups: Haste and Poison,
Recommended War Strategy (Camp Size 240) :
Miner and
11v10 laloon.png

Note :
If you want to do few more strategies in higher TH, max Wizard, Wall Breaker and Healer in each Town Hall.

3. Base Upping Plan: 

Essential Ups:
Spell Factory
Dark Spell Factory
Clan Castle
Army Camps
Collectors, Mines and Drills

Secondary Ups:

Dark Barracks

Note :
Make sure to complete the essential ups at least before changing Town Hall.

Conclusion :

As a new to COC player you shouldn’t rush your Town Hall. You should have experiences about the game as you have to farm with very low defense and if fixing this afterwords won’t be an easy task. Rushed bases are hard to fix if you don’t know how to do it right. If you still want to rush your Town Hall and you are playing this game for war then you should stop rushing a bit when you reach TH8 as the actual game starts from here.
You should master the following basics before you start rushing again.
Funneling Troops
Master Kill Squad
Killing Clan Castle Troops 
    including how to kill CC troops without luring.

Happy Rushing.

Updated on 12 Aug 2017

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