th engineeredAn Engineered Base is a lopsided base specifically built for war.  It overwhelmingly promotes offenses over defenses. The objective of an Engineered Base is to provide a matchmaking advantage in war.

Engineered bases can look very similar to rushed bases. Building them is easy, upgrade your Town Hall to any level and ensure that the defenses are at least 2 or 3 levels below.

Warning :

These bases should only be considered for those who are active in war as protecting resources in these bases are troublesome due to their poor defenses.

How to Build an Engineered Town Hall

Engineered Town Halls can be build in the following ways – 

Base upping Methods

engineered th810.jpg1st Method :

This is done by rushing Town Hall to higher level, keeping the base’s defenses equal to a  lower Town Hall ranging from TH3 to TH8 but having max level Infernos and/or Eagal Artillery. Example: A TH11 having TH6 defenses but having max Infernos and Eagal Artillery. It Might weight as the same as a TH8 or TH9 during war but Infernos / Eagal Artillery makes difficult for lower Town Hall players to 3* this base. On the other hand that Engineered Base will have high/max level TH11 troops/heroes that can easily 3* most of the opponent bases.



engineered th611.jpg2nd Method :

This is done by not building high level defenses like X-Bows, Infarnos and Eagal Artillery but having comparatively higher other defense buildings than the 1st method. Example: A TH11 having no X-Bows or Infernos or Eagle Artillery but having every other defenses are of TH8/9 max levels.

3rd Method – Point One Method :

This is done by not building any defenses except only 1 cannon, teslas and traps. This gives the engineered base the attacking strength of end game level, having almost no defending strength.

Troop upping Methods

1st Method :

This is done by maxing all troops like you normally do.

engineered troops1.png

2nd Method :

This is done by maxing only 1 or 2 sets of war troops along with wizards, wall barkers and heroes.

For example –  

Dragon and Loons 


Lava Loons






Witches etc.

engineered troops


By being an Engineered Town Hall you gain an advantage over the opposing clan by having end-game offense and mid-game or low-game defense.

Updated on 1 Aug 2017

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